Yeah, I was on it for an entire year and never actually had a period, though I did spot the entire time. Hey, that shot is poison anyway, some women love it, but it seems to have the most annoying side effects when compared to other birth controls. Anyway, I'm just going to tell you some things to look out for because I personally had side effects on that shot that ruined an entire year of my life and I didn't know it was the shot doing that to me for so long. Anyway, if you notice you become more irritable than usual and have mood swings(I did) or you have no sex drive(it KILLED mine) or you get headaches(I got them everyday) and here's some more crap it can cause that didn't happen to me but happens to some women: acne, weight gain, hair loss, depression, anxiety(actually I WAS depressed an anxious) unwanted facial hair, and breast size change. Good luck, I hope it works out for you, but look out for the things I mentioned, in case they happen to you, so you'll know why.Birth control period?
i have recently started the shot. I was told when i started it it could stop my cycles altogether or it could make them spotty but could adventually go away...i think you are ok you are just one of the lucky ones...
that's normal, it stops totally after awhile, i have an implanon and that's what happened to me. my sister got the shot had it stopped hers.
The shot often stops the menstrual cycle all together.
It's normal.
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