1. There is no reverse function
2. When I release the joystick on the transmitter and it springs back to center, the motor should stop right? It doesen't. It doesn't stop untill I push the lever all the way towards the opposite direction from which I want the motor to turn. Kinda like even if there was reverse, I wouldn't have enough joystick movement to reach it.
3. The motor speed controller has a ';BEC'; 3 v battery eliminator circuit. I still need to hook up my 4 cell battery pack to use it?. HELP!How to remote control my lawnmower? I have futaba radio and receiver hooked to (ESC), but no reverse function?
For part 3 - ';BEC'; or Barrety Elimination Circuitry (I think) is a wiring that takes power from the main battery (think of the main battery pack on an RC car) instead of needing a piggy back pack for the ESC, so as I understand it you need the 4 cell pack to run the ESC. If I could get a hands on ans actually see it that would probably help.
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