Sunday, January 24, 2010

Do you look at fat people and feel bad for them because they have no self-control?

I'm not trying to be mean. I do because I know nobody really wants to be that fat. Rolls aint pretty.Do you look at fat people and feel bad for them because they have no self-control?
Precious, don't feel bad for us, honey.

Do you know that we (the fat girls you refer to) make ourselves sick sometimes worrying that people are actually feeling bad for us? Sometimes, it gets to be more offending than those who openly detest us? It's because we can take crtiicism, if you've been fat since childhood, we develop tougher shells so as to protect our hearts from it. But pity is something else. We are actually something more than just crippled animals, dear. But I understand where you are coming from, and that you genuinely feel bad in the sense that if there's anything you can do to help you'll do it.

Well, there's nothing you can do except to try again to look at us and see the human side. I thank you in advance. :)

And as for us, we'll continue on our everlasting quest to become healthier. It is a struggle. :) It is not just about self-control.Do you look at fat people and feel bad for them because they have no self-control?
no....there is always self control and it is up to you to enforce it. some choose not to and that is there one is forcing you to eat that extra cookie just like no one is forcing you to exercise...only you can do it.
yes i do honestly. but i keep it to myself in my mind when i see them. i dont stare at them. but the same thought runs in my mind everytime i see an overweight person, even if its just in a glance. i feel bad. but what can i do??? only they can do what it takes to help themselves.
YES, i totally kno what you mean. its so sad, when u see someone thats soo over weight, it gets me thinking at times. it does suck, and its hard to lose weight. hope im not offending anyone.
I look at them with confusion.. Why would they let themselves get that bad? I don't really feel bad for them I guess, just don't understand... I can't see why it's soo hard for some to maintain a diet when it seems easy for myself....
Some people that are fat ,has something to do with their metabolism not just they have no control on eating. I understand you are not trying to be mean, just to criticize them because you have nothing to do and it makes you feel superior to these fat people.Get a life !!!
No, because you don't know the full story. Some people have medical problems that prevent them from being skinny. Sometimes obesity runs in their family and there is nothing that they could do because of genetics.

You may not be trying to be mean, but you are being mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fat does not mean no self control, it could be due to medications, slow metabolism and so on. Go to school and learn something before you start offending people, you sound very stupid asking this question.
I think you are a judgmental little prat or *princess* Either way, you are dumb for asking this question as others have said, it could be due to illness or slow metabolism. People who are overweight do not want your pity. You ARE judging them, when you say they have no self control. Get over yourself. You twit.
Okay, I am overweight. Not fat, but overweight. I have some health problems that don't allow me to do normal aerobic excercises like other people. Not only do I get huffy, but I start to have trouble breathing. I have passed out before. It's caused by action-induced asthma, and it is a genetic condition. Not to mention obesity runs in my family. These are circumstances beyond my control, and I struggle to keep my weight down.

It is not always a matter of self control. The sad thing is, most people don't feel sorry for them. Fact is, we are people too, and I have been passed by, passed over, ignored, teased, and humiliated because of how I look, and nobody thinks there is anything worth digging deeper for. In my opinion, it is not so much that ';fat'; is a problem as much as the mindset of society when it comes to people who look a little different.
they choose to be fat, it's their decision.

Some people take drugs and alcohol, some eat.
my best friend has weight problems. i don't feel bad for her because of it though. i feel do bad for her because i know that there will always be people who will judge her more harshly than if she weren't overweight. sometimes they are victims to illness...but fat people should search fro the causes of their fatness.
Obesity is mainly genetic. Caucasians tend to have a genetic predisposition to obesity more so than other ethnicities around the world. If your observations were at all keen, you would notice that there are people who have the same unhealthy diets as obese people and do not gain weight. I sometimes feel bad for them because I know that society is generally unaccepting of obese people, regardless of exactly why they are obese. I don't think you're mean. Just ignorant.
i just worry that they think that i think that they're too fat / ugly so i try to be extra nice !
I feel bad for them because I figure they will have health problems. I don't see it as anyone's fault. We have such a dangerous diet that it is easy for people to get fat.
I feel bad for people who have to look at them. They should not be allowed in public.

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