All the above answers are good choices. Also try calling your doctor's office, explain your situation and ask them how to get enrolled in one of the free prescription programs some fo the drug companies are offering. Your doc may be willing to help you get enrolled and provide you with the prescription without actually seeing you if you've been seen within the past year or two..I'm almost done with my prescription birth control and have no insurance to see my dr, but I need more, HELP
Don't fret - there are lots of great programs out there to help you. Depending on where you live, there are clinics and assistance programs for people without insurance.
Try - they do a sliding scale, pricewise, and most people without insurance can get their birth control for free. If you can leave a donation to help, they appreciate it, but you aren't obligated to.
Call planned parenthood. You can get an exam on a donation basis if you really can't afford it, and they can also provide pill packs at a reduced rate.
Sometimes Doctors will write prescriptions for a few extra months. Another suggestion is having your partner (the one who you are having sex with) pay for your appointment.
Go to your county health clinic. It is usually free if you fill out some paperwork stating that you don't have insurance and can't afford to self pay.
Those chemicals damage your body and your relationship. They also cause early term abortions.
Free your mind.
Go to your local health department. They will charge you based on your income and it is not that expensive when you do pay.
Go to the free clinic they can give it to you free.
If I were you goes to county health clinic. Depened on where you living in? You will have to get paperwork to be fill out, that you don't have insurance. They'll give you advice what you should do before you goes see your doctor.
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