Sunday, January 24, 2010

How do I control extreme worrying? no mean comments. thank you very much.?

every second. I worry. about just about anything. I lose people and friends. please, assist me.How do I control extreme worrying? no mean comments. thank you very much.?
i had such a problem worrying that for a long time i could hardly sleep.

You could meditate, or try medication, write down your worries, make lists of things to do in order of importance, after making lists, rationalize how much you should worry about the items, then devote 15 to 30 minutes to just worrying about those things, if that doesn't work try to exercise when you start to excessively worry.

the time could also be making you worry, maybe finals at school, or your money is enough to cover your needs, try to diagnose what is making you worry and how you can fix that problem, or work towards something, like a job promotionHow do I control extreme worrying? no mean comments. thank you very much.?
Gosh, . . . That sounds like me. lol . . . ';I worry about worring'; . . . eventually I had to talk with a professional (talking to a counselor was the best thing i did, it's helped me regain control). . . “you may-not be able to stop worrying automatically” . . . it takes a lot of practice to break the habit.
What makes you worry to much? Peer Pressure? School? Money? They key to a clear-mind and positive life is to indentify what makes you worry. Worrying to much causes mental stress and anxiety. I think you need to tell a loved one that really cares about you rather it's family or close friends why you are worried so much and find ways to knock that nasty feeling down. It would make you more important and happy showing they are there to help you out. I agree with dorky you should mediate or exercise. It will help raise the mental status and open the mind up to take on more challenges and strengthen your mentality to compress the worrisome you feel. Worrisome makes you feel burden and unconfident. It needs to stop!
Give it away. If you're a Christian your minister would say give it all to God because the Bible says DO IT! Worry is not our problem, it is his.

Now, if you're not a Christian you can still do it by basically the same means. Instead of worrying about it, you must look a little deeper and ask yourself:

Is it in the past? Yes:it's over, you can't change the past so suck it up and move on. No: how much control do you really have over it? If none, again, suck it up and move on. Come back to it when and if it comes up again. If alot, then take care of your business as best you can, then, again, suck it up!

Is it in the future or even a possibility? How much control do you really have over it? If none, again, suck it up and move on. Come back to it when and if it comes up again. If alot, then take care of your business as best you can, then, again, suck it up!

The same will apply to the present.

Basically, you need to understand and convince yourself that there are some things that you just cannot change and have no control over regardless of how hard you try to change them...or in your case, worry over them. Moving on doesn't mean you don't care, it just means you're not making yourself a wreck worrying about it.

You also need to understand that this causes your body and mind a great deal of stress and you are literally shortening your lifespan by stressing yourself so much. If you need an extra incentive to stop yourself, use that one!
You're not alone in that aspect.

Are you seeing a doctor for it? A psychologist's job is to help you develop these techniques.

Stuff that has worked for me:

Deep breathing---just focus on your breathing. Imagine yourself breathing in calm and peace and exhaling worry and fear. It helps if you can associate a color with each part, like I do red for out and blue for coming in (because green for peace makes me think of sickness...).

Distractions---I find it's easier to push the worries away if you are keeping your mind occupied. Find a fast-paced way to keep your mind going. For example, at times TV is better than reading because it's right there and out of the part of your mind that can imagine things out of proportion.

Visualization---Try to picture a place that you can be truly safe in, it does not have to be a real place. Somewhere where you can picture yourself in, and NOTHING can come in. Pay very close attention to details and describe to yourself the sounds and sights you experience.

Have great friends and family who will let you cry to them, and then play games or have a fun conversation to get your mind off of it.

I hope you feel better. And you shoudl see a doctor, for meds and techniques that work for you.
Oh man, I used to be the exact same way. But you've got to realize, that half the time half the things don't even matter. And there's no reason to worry over things that you can't even control. What comes will come. But if you can control it, just make sure you're well prepared, and everythings orgainized, and then just let what happens happen. Get your mind off things. Read a book, get involved in something. Distract your mind. And if you have to worry about. Tell yourself to go ahead and have fun, and then worry about it when you get there. That helped me. And now, I don't even really worry about things any more unless they're important.

Good luck!
Hahaha join the club...this is from a person that was scared i had aids even though im not sexually active

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