I know you pretty much just plan making love around your cycle, I was just wondering if anyone knew more about it. Does anyone feel strongly about it? Strongly for it, or against it?
Thanks!Natural Family Planning - No Birth Control.?
sounds like you are a smart lady....I too never liked BC it does awful things and maybe permanent things to your body...your basically poisoning your system so you cant have children...my husband and I leave that in Gods hands and we have felt very good about that desicion...you can track your ovulation and just avoid sex at that time. as far as I see it an unplanned pregnancy is a extra blessing!
Good luckNatural Family Planning - No Birth Control.?
I think it's an ok method as long as you won't be devestated by an unexpected pregnancy. The womans body will surprise you sometimes with an irregular ovulation pattern and may result in a pregnancy. Although it has worked for some people apparently. Good luck with whatever you decide. What about maybe condoms or a diaphram???
My husband and I use NFP. It works by taking a your temp every morning, and checking your cervical mucous. It is more than the rhythm method. It requires you and your husband to use restraint on your fertile days. You should go to fertilityfriend.com they can help you. This website will also be helpful www.ccli.org/. My husband and I practice NFP due to our religious belief. Hope that helps.
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