Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have no self control, please help :(?

I had a very fast metabolism all my life and was very slim. About 3 years ago I self-consciously started eating a lot less in order to lose weight, it worked and i slimmed down a lot. Since then, I have never fallen back into 'normal' eating habits. Food has become much more than a source of survival, there are emotions attached to it. Now, I under eat for as long as i can, then binge, which is occasionally followed by (I know this is terrible) wanting to throw up/trying to. I'm not overweight at all, but i certainly have gained weight and there is unnecessary fat on my body. I get heart palpitations and I'm really unfit. Everyday i feel disgusting, pathetic, unhappy and just sad. How can i get back into a healthy routine and make myself realise that food is always available in front of me, that i don't need to be so stupid about it! I think a regular exercise routine would help, but I just can't seem to motivate myself :( I want a great and healthy body more than anything it seems, why can't I do it!?I have no self control, please help :(?
Well i would first suggest not to be so hard on yourself and to check if your in a healthy BMI. If you are then your right you are not over weight and if you don't thick you look fit you should consider toning yourself. Although running is a good choice for cardiovascular exercise, you will need to wights in order to really trim the excess fat.

Since you have a history of eating problems and you want to seriously change that, I would consider going to

make a free account. Everyday mark down what you eat, activities you do even if it's a 5 minute walk or 1 tbs of mustard or glass 1 cup of juice. Even though you eat healthy you will be surprised as what you get from the drinks you down. In order to lose weight you need to eat or your body thinks it's starving and will store more fat to compensate.

A great way to shed weight is through proper exercise and diet. Try low carb diet. Calrories arew not you enemy. all though most people don't like Atkins, it does have a low carb concept that works. talk to your doctor about it.I have no self control, please help :(?
Bulimia (which you are describing) is a mental/emotional disorder. You need to seek help from a professional who deals with this. Start by talking with your doctor and see if you can be referred to a specialist that deals with eating disorders

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