ive had a boyfriend two years and ive cheated on him six times. i love my boyfriend i really do. i know its hard to belive but when im out and a guy is flirting with me a just cant stop myself no matter how hard i try. i think of my boyfriend but all that matters to me is wanting to feel sexy at the time. its really hurting me because i dont want to hurt him. what should i do?? i dont want to break up with my boyfriend. im 18 btwI have no self control when it comes to sex and ive a bf. please help!? :(?
wat a slutt /I have no self control when it comes to sex and ive a bf. please help!? :(?
Well first tell him the truth because you owe that to him. Second, that is pretty bad, and twisted. You have no ';self control'; because you don't want to have self control. It is easier to have sex, than resist it. If I were you I would tell him and expect a break up, him confessing he does it too, or resulting in him cheating on you with other girls.
No offence.
But how can you love him , but go off and have sex with other people?
You dont love him , sounds liek he's your fall back.
You need to sort your head out.
Maybe it wont be so much of a problem that you dont wanna break up with him,
Cause when he see's what your like
He'll break with you.
And you wont have anyone to blame but yourself.
Well, #1 - its not a good idea to sleep with all these random guys. But I think that deep down you have some self esteem issues. I think I have them too. And I do crave attention from others so I can feel pretty or whatever. You have to learn to love yourself. I mean, those guys that you sleep with are only with you for sex.
oh dear. don't hurt your bf.
you seem like a nice girl, so try and stop it. or just spend more time with your bf and that will make you realise that you truly love him and that he truly loves you and you won't do anything else to potentially hurt him.
all the best xx
do him a favour and let the poor bloke go find a better girl..
p.s. this is why I tell my guy friends to go for the good girls who dress conservatively like me, if they wanted relationships.. but all the guys pick the hot girls and end up crying when cheating happens..
well if you cannot stay faithfully to him then really it is time for you to be honest for him and call your relationship of you didn't say if he knew? but even so time to face up to yourself and be honest
First think if you really want him(your BF) and you might have a low self esteem so maybe you should get your priorities strait.
Get a grip, or some councelling...if you go out and have sex with other blokes and you say you love him....
thats not love - thats just being a slag
leave him to find someone who deserves him
End the relationship right now. If you cheated on him 6 times, it needs to end.
dump your boyfriend, live the single life for awhile (until you're more mature and ready to settle down)...
i think you need to break up with your bf because no matter what one of you will definitely end up getting hurt
i hope you do the right thing good luck :)
if i was your bf and i find out u cheated on me once i would srsly dump up on the spot, NVM 6 lads! ffs u reli are a S*** sorry but its true
then don't start flirting with people would help to start with
need to get some self control
you need to get some church....seriously.
im married... but hey email me..
where do you live? lol
i don't think u love ur bf cuz if u did u'd have been felling very guilty
six times to cheat on someone! that's just not normal
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