Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I have no self control over sex. and i have a bf. please help :(?

ive had a boyfriend two years and ive cheated on him six times. i love my boyfriend i really do. i know its hard to belive but when im out and a guy is flirting with me a just cant stop myself no matter how hard i try. i think of my boyfriend but all that matters to me is wanting to feel sexy at the time. its really hurting me because i dont want to hurt him. what should i do?? i dont want to break up with my boyfriend. im 18 btwI have no self control over sex. and i have a bf. please help :(?
I'm not saying this to be mean, but the biggest problem is you are very young. I was 18 once and yes I felt old and wise.... but I'm 24 now and I have a whole new outlook on life. 18 to me is too young for you to be serious about one person and naturally you are wanting to be with other people and date as many guys as you can. That's normal! 18 is the time to do that! Someday you will meet the guy of your real dreams when you are ready to settle down and think of marriage and hopefully you will learn then that you need to be with that person and that person only. For now.... have fun with as many guys as possible. Just use protection when having all that sex.I have no self control over sex. and i have a bf. please help :(?
U need to ask yourself why u cheat on him. If u cared about him that much why would u do these things? Granted I love easy girls, but I wouldn't date one. It is unfair for him, but i feel if ure cheating then the relationship u have must be lacking in some way. Maybe you need to spice up your relationship, or perhaps ure just not ready for a stable relationship. You need to either work on your relationship that u have, or move on, but what ure doing now isn't going to work.
u need 2 tell me n if u care bout him tht much u wouldnt do it

leopards dnt change their spots

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