Wednesday, January 20, 2010

I HAVE NO SELF CONTROL when it comes to food and I KNOW I AM AT RISK AT BECOMING OBESE!!!! What can I do?

Please help me, I am ready to cry. I have absolutely NO self control, sometimes I sneak food so no one knows how I have a food problem. I think i eat twice as much food and junk food as i should, probably more. I LOVE to eat, but at the end of the day, I feel terrible about myself and what I ate and I keep telling myself ';Ok, tomorrow I will start eating healthier and eat less.';

I have been telling this to myself for 8 months now, every night, but I can't stop. I just keep eating and eating and eating.

I have scoliosis and the doctor said its critical that I keep my weight down I this age. Right now I do not appear as fat, but I and my mom do know that i could lose maybe 6-7 pounds.

I am really focused on school so I don't exercise AT ALL, but please don't tell me about exercise because I really don't have the time. I really just need to focus on my diet right now.

Sometimes I think about starving myself and throwing up, but i know that's the wrong way to go, but i seriously think about it a lot. Please DON'T tell me to see a doctor to help me with my problem, because I don't want my mom to know.

Some people really have a Binge eating disorder and some people just THINK they do (especially teenagers b/c they tend to eat alot and get more cravings when growing). If i can know HOW much your eating a day i could tell you if this is a problem or if its all in your head. Chances are its all in your head and you need to tell yourself you DONT have a problem if you tell yourself that then it will get better tI HAVE NO SELF CONTROL when it comes to food and I KNOW I AM AT RISK AT BECOMING OBESE!!!! What can I do?
Start with a small step.....I will only eat in the kitchen....

';am really focused on school so I don't exercise AT ALL, but please don't tell me about exercise because I really don't have the time. I really just need to focus on my diet right now.';

If you don't have time to excersize, you are too busy for your own good, you are probably too stressed , which is causing you to eat to compensate...

set aside 45 minutes everyday, and walk......

1. call jenny craige


3. eat healthy food if your hungray

******** DONT EAT RIGHT BEFORE YOU GO TO BED! it makes you gain a ton more pounds!
Listen, i LOVE to eat also but at one point you have to think about your health and figure. It's not easy, in fact, its extremely hard but you can do it. It gets easier as your body gets used to not eating a lot. Nothing anyone will say will change the way you eat because you already know what has to be done you just need to be stronger and do it. The amount of time you spend eating you can exercise, don't be lazy.
Look; its okay i use to feel like that too! Everything i saw that was edible; into my mouth it would go; causing me to rapidly gain weight over the years. I use to cry alot! ALOT! I am 5'3'' and was about 183 lbs and now 5 months later im about 140 lbs. One thing is first starving yourself and throwing up is NEVER the way to go. I use to think this; and i did it once; but when you starve yourself, your going to end up eating one way or another, but you'll OVEReat causing you to gain alot of weight because of your metabolism.So you do have to eat.And throwing up is just gross, think of what you teeth will look like? Not a pretty sight huh? So just diet and exercise.Dont start one day to another, plan it about 2 weeks ahead, and talk to your mom about, even though its kind of embarrasing:(
It seems like eating is more of a coping mechanism for you. Food can be addictive just like anything else out there, drugs, video games, alchohol, anything. Ask yourself this: Are you eating whenever something bad happens? Are you eating to make yourself happy whenever you're feeling down? If you are chances are you need help beyond just dieting and exercise. There is NOTHING WRONG with admiting that you have a problem that you can't manage, and you are eventually gonna need the support of your mom to help you through this (If she isn't supportive then she isn't a real mom and you should find a support group instead.) Take it from someone who's been down that road several times back and forth, get professional help.

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