Friday, May 14, 2010

GUN CONTROL, Yes, No and why?

When the Government disarms Americans

I my opinion, thats when America will be lost.

If a good student at VA Tech, had a gun, he/she may have save a couple dozen lives.GUN CONTROL, Yes, No and why?
Which would you rather have if an intruder was entering your home: a knife or a shotgun? If you have a knife, you would have to engage the intruder up close and stand a much better chance of him or her getting the best of you (and possibly subsequently leaving open the wife/husband/kids you are charged with protecting). I know firsthand that the mere *sound* of a shotgun cocking will stand back someone who is trying to sneak into your home.

I once lived in a duplex that, unbeknownst to me had a shared attic (it was a desperation rental)--a guy entered from the other side and was looking around in our attic when my husband ****** the shotgun and then said, ';I hear you up there.'; The guy quickly returned to the other side and left. Subsequently I learned this same fellow had committed a series of robberies of businesses where he entered through the ceiling.). No violence required, just the sound. I don't imagine the love of Christ or ';I have a knife'; would have had the same effect. And the police usually don't come until they're called, i.e., when it's all over. A gun gives you the advantage of distance and relative safety. Not everyone is a karate black belt or kung fu master, so it is folly to require that they all engage with an intruder closely. It would result in more casualties, wouldn't it?

Sure, guns are designed as lethal weapons. It is the use we make of them and the attitude we adopt in their use that matters. The mere possession of a gun may be enough to dissuade someone from committing a crime. Heinlein's quote about ';an armed society is a polite society'; is apt when guns are used properly and not impulsively. Sadly, many people do not have any self-control, and they think the ownership and possession of a gun gives them godlike powers. It just isn't so--it is like putting a 3-year-old behind the wheel of a truck and handing them the keys.

The real problem is people--how do we assess a person's mental fitness to own a firearm? Since mental health sciences are inexact at best, this opens an already festering can of worms. There is already a lot of subjectiveness and abuse going on in the mental health realm; it is ripe for reform. However, underlying the supposed ideal of curing the mentally ill, the field's practical mandate has become control, rather than cure. Kids are given strong medication instead of good counseling and attention; stressed workers and students are given pills instead of real human help; people who have nervous breakdowns are simply patched up and thrust back into the rat race that made them break down in the first place. There is a real societal problem with stress that is not addressed. Instead, people focus on the superficial, the tools and affectations of the ones who truly act out in spectacular ways. They blame the guns instead of the finger that pulls the trigger. There is a silent problem in society that only sees the light of day when someone like Cho erupts in violence and makes us look. And even then, we don't seem to be able to look in the proper direction. The solution would be to address and study the factors that cause this slow boilover in all walks of society. The murderous rampage seems to be on the increase. What factors contribute? How can they be controlled? Once you introduce more legislative control, the underlying causes become secondary, mere hindsight signposts to the next massacre. The key is to prevent these causes from blossoming into chaos, to identify them and neutralize them. But, of course, that would be too much to ask, so our society continues to be focused on mopping up after the broken members wreak havoc and bemoaning ';what could we have done?.';GUN CONTROL, Yes, No and why?
the best form of gun control is to do what the swiss do, allow all unless crazy to have a gun, they have MORE guns than anyone per person yet fewer crimes than all EU countries ?

In UK since guns were made illegal GUNCRIME has risen, the police are armed to the teeth so are the criminals the only ones that are not are those potential victims.

EQUALITY dies when YOU enter UK.....
There are thousands of laws addressing firearms. You cannot control a madman.

I will not be disarmed until I am dead.
No gun control..If they do that,the only people that will have them are the criminals..........We need to be able to protect ourselves.There is no way to keep guns out of a criminals hands....
I would agree; more guns are the answer rather than less. If good people are armed, bad guys think twice about attacking. If the govt disarms American, then bad guys will be the only ones with guns and they will have free reign.
Control who has access guns, those that do have access should be trained to use them. Gun ownership should normally be a requirement for all adults, you should only lose the right when you commit criminal acts or show that you are mentally unstable.

Guns are not the problem, the problem is that too many people who are not good citizens have guns.
A good student at VaTech DID have a gun and he killed people with it. At least he was good enough to buy a gun in Virginia.

And what if someone else did have a gun and tried to stop him. He came in blazing and rapidly shot a professor and started pugging students around himm.

If there was a SWAT team IN THE ROOM, he probably would have still killed 5 or 6 people. An untrained, terrified student with a gun - how long before that person got up and fired back. You do realize that in war, many soldiers who are being shot at never fire their guns because they are so frightened.

If he had only killed 7 or 8 people would be be celebrating how great it is that the students were armed?

And then consider 26,000 armed youth wondering around a college campus. How many additional deaths would there be from some fight over a parking space or ';get your hands off my girl'; or ';stop playing that damn music so loud';?

Is arming people really the answer?
Gun control: Both hands on the gun. Forward sight, make sure there is nothing behind the target (liberal) and pull the trigger.
Gun control.... yes


There is a happy medium between the two.
Most crimes are not all committed with illegally procured weapons. The news focuses on those higher profile ones that were procured legally. Media bias puts a lot of emphasis on this. People who desire to commit a violent crime will always find a way. The gun is only an inanimate object and can not act on its own. It takes a psycho to make it kill a person.

Banning won't solve anything.
What a great statement. I agree with you. And realistically, if the government thinks that they can disarm people, they are so seriously mistaken. I for one, am not gonna give up my right to defend myself. Furthermore there are other means of taken peoples lives, its just not guns. People are failing to realize this. And they forget that guns don't kill people, people kill people!
The only place I know of that you can read where a gun SAVED the life of a prospective victim is in the NRA publication, The American Rifleman. The media are only interested when a criminal uses a gun to kill innocents. But, for anyone willing to address the issue with an open mind, that is, with no prejudice toward one side or the other, it becomes obvious that gun control laws only serve to disarm law abiding citizens and that 'gun-free zones' only entice criminals.
No just put a censer on the tool or gun monitor them. Know where they are at all times.
Gun control is good to a point- There will always be weapons - just look what happens in our prisons. The type of weapon that is geared to high volume kill (machine gun) needs to be controlled. We would not want citizens to have nuclear weapons - why would we want them to have rocket launchers - yet a hunting rifle or single shot handgun for self protection makes sense.
Any law that guarantees only outlaws will be armed will always result in the mass carnage we saw in W. Virginia and have seen all too often.

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