Friday, January 22, 2010

Do you support Capital Punishment? What about Gun Control? Yes or no?

Out of the ten countries with the highest murder rates in the World only two Jamaica(only for murder) and Belarus allow the Death PenaltyDo you support Capital Punishment? What about Gun Control? Yes or no?
Yes on death penalty if the crime is murder and if the offender's guilt is absolutely proved. I know they say it does not deter crime, but that is not the point. It definitely keeps that particular offender from killing again.

No on gun control.Do you support Capital Punishment? What about Gun Control? Yes or no?
I don't support capital punishment for moral reasons.

Although I would never use a gun against a person myself, I support people's right to have guns, yet I also support gun control. I don't see why they have to be opposing, We have a right to free speech, but there are restrictions on certain kinds of speech for the good of society. One must have a license to drive and car registration, why not licenses and registrations for guns, which are more dangerous. You can't have certain cars on the streets either.
As it is practiced I hate the death penalty. Death should be much more swift and less concern directed toward the ';humane'; euthanasia of animals. It isn't as if they had any concern for the pain and suffering of victims. In fact I would argue that natural law would dictate that they die in the same manner their victims did. I have no moral reservations with that.

Gun control is a joke. How well is that Israeli gun control working out with the Palestinians?
Capital punishment is a tricky subject. How many people have been wrongfully ruled guilty and have been executed?? ONE is too many people! It is far less expensive on tax payers to sentence someone to life rather than sentencing death because of all the appeals and court cost.




Hell NO!
I do not support the death penalty, and I am a conservative. Gun control? No. I do not believe in that either. That would take away our freedom to bear arms.
Yes to capital punishment. No to gun control.
Yes to capital punishment, no to gun control. God bless.
I have mixed feelings on capital punishment. No gun control is needed.
Yes to capital punishment No to gun control
I support both with limitations.
mixed on capital punishment. no gun control ever tho
I support capital punishment to a point. but not gun controll


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